Jawatan Kosong di Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) - 3 Mac 2017

On 1 November 2001, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission also took over regulation of the Postal Industry and was appointed the Certifying Agency pursuant to the Digital Signature Act (1997). In order to assist the Commission in realizing its objectives, we invite qualified individuals to join us in the following position:-


Senior Executive - Legal Advisory

Executive - International

Senior Executive - Procurement Sourcing

Senior Executive - Digital Services Platform

Senior Executive - Digital Innovation

Executive - Brand Strategy

Project Manager - Smart Digital Communities

Senior Executive - Monitoring and Compliance (Communication)

Senior Executive / Executive - Monitoring and Compliance (Broadcast)

Senior Executive / Executive - Competition and Access

Engineer - Space System Operation

Senior IT Executive - ICT Services Management and Governance

Executive - Infrastructure Development (Cyberjaya / Kota Kinabalu)

Executive - Complaint Handling (Cyberjaya / Melaka / Kuching)

Senior Investigation Officer

Senior Executive - Integrity, Disciplinary and Special Affairs

Auditor - Internal Audit and Risk Management

Senior Engineer - Spectrum Monitoring and Interference Resolution

Senior Engineer / Engineer - Radio Spectrum Assignment

Closing Date : 03 Mac 2017

Click Here how to Apply via Jobstreet

Join Telegram Kami : telegram.me/kerjakosongterkini

Jawatan Kosong Terkini 2016 di Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM)


With the birth and explosion of a new convergent communications and multimedia industry in Malaysia in the mid 1990s, a new paradigm requiring new approaches in media policies and regulation became a necessity. In line with this, Malaysia adopted a convergence regulation model with regards to the communications and multimedia industry in November 1998. Two legislations were enacted to give effect to the new regulatory model: the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 which set out a new regulatory licensing framework for the industry and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act (1998) which created a new regulatory body, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.

The Communications and Multimedia Act (1998) came into enacted on 1 April 1999, while with it, the Telecommunications Act (1950) and the Broadcasting Act (1988) were repealed.

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