Jawatan Kosong di Yayasan Kebajikan SSL Strok Dan Pembangunan Masyarakat - 20 Mac 2017

Yayasan Kebajikan SSL Strok Dan Pembangunan Masyarakat is a non-profitable organization established to assist individuals suffering from injuries, lost of functional and physical ability to restore the highest level of functionality and independence as possible. With the motto "A Community-Based Rehabilitation Center, To Serve the People, By the People", we aim to help the poor and needy to rebuild life and hope from disabilities and diseases.


1. Occupational Therapist (Based in Puchong / PJ)

2. Physiotherapist (Chinese Speaking)

3. Special Needs Teacher (Based in Puchong / PJ)

4. ISO Coordinator (Chinese speaking)

5. ISO Coordinator (Chinese speaking)

Closing date : 05 - 20 Mac 2017

Join Telegram Kami : telegram.me/kerjakosongterkini

Jawatan Kosong Terkini 2016 di Yayasan Kebajikan SSL Strok Dan Pembangunan Masyarakat

Why Join Us?

The environment within the Sau Seng Lum health system will continue to be dynamic. The centres will innovate with the changing environment and at the same time, strive to accommodate the growing needs of patients by translating scientific advances into new ways of diagnosis and treatment. On top of that, Sau Seng Lum will continue to foster higher collaboration with the public and private health sector to bring together outstanding new ideas and discoveries. Along time, the community can anticipate an array of services that will be extended to them in our centres of excellence.

In line with our growth, we are looking for dedicated, dynamic and result-oriented individuals to join our healthcare team in providing quality service and making each patient feel important through the following position.

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