Beable Malaysia is one of the rapidly developed recruitment agency, supplying optimum manpower to many high profile companies in Malaysia. Based on over a decade of experience in the industry, we are able to offer the suitable and high quality of candidates to our clients in a comparable short period of time.
1. Wireman - Mohon Sini
2. Finance & Accounting Manager - Mohon Sini
3. Driver - Mohon Sini
4. Cashier - Mohon Sini
5. General Affair / Administration - Mohon Sini
6. Account Assistant - Mohon Sini
7. Account Executive - Mohon Sini
8. Sales Specialist - Mohon Sini
Tarikh tutup permohonan : 09 - 24 July 2018
* Sila baca terlebih syarat kelayakan dan maklumat lain melalui link yang admin sediakan di atas sebelum membuat permohonan. Semoga berjaya semua..
Cara Membuat Permohonan:
Permohonan mestilah di buat melalui laman web Maukerja.
Cara daftar dan Mohon boleh lihat di sini KLIK SINI
Semoga maju jaya!!

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Kerja Kosong Terkini Beable
Beable Malaysia is one of the rapidly developed recruitment agency, supplying optimum manpower to many high profile companies in Malaysia. Based on over a decade of experience in the industry, we are able to offer the suitable and high quality of candidates to our clients in a comparable short period of time. At present, we are catering various vacancies for almost every industry in the market. For instance, Engineering, Retail, F&B, Petroleum, IT, Banking, are some of the industries we covered on a regular basis. Job seekers may not only have the opportunity to work with the big company, but also to develop their career to the next level extremely. Why Beable? No registration fee will be charged to all applicants! Free consultation services! High chance to obtain job! We are welcoming all unemployed, fresh graduates, experienced and non-experienced employees, and part-timers