DRB-HICOM Group’s businesses span across three core sectors, namely Automotive; Services; and Property, Asset and Construction. This enables us to actively create synergies as we form strategic alliances with respectable global brands.
1. Sales & Marketing Assistant Manager - Executive
Closing on : 15 August 2018
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Jawatan Kosong DRB-HICOM
Company Overview
Over the last three decades, DRB-HICOM Group has evolved to emerge as one of the important engines of growth for the nation with the strength of more than 60,000 people.
DRB-HICOM Group’s businesses span across three core sectors, namely Automotive; Services; and Property, Asset and Construction. This enables us to actively create synergies as we form strategic alliances with respectable global brands.
At DRB-HICOM, our growth and expansion plans have always been in tandem with creating mobility and employability for talents and leaders, offering them the unique possibility of acquiring varied work experience across a portfolio of diversified businesses.