Kami mempelawa Warganegara Malaysia yang mempunyai kelayakan dan komitmen yang tinggi dan bercita-cita untuk berkhidmat dalam sebuah Universiti yang sedang menuju ke arah Universiti bertaraf dunia bagi mengisi kekosongan jawatan-jawatan berikut:-
1. Pegawai Keselamatan Gred KP41
1. Pegawai Keselamatan Gred KP41
2. Pegawai Penyelidik Gred Q41
3. Pegawai Sains Gred C41
4. Pegawai Tadbir Gred N41
5. Pembantu Awam Gred H11
6. Pembantu Kemahiran Gred H19
7. Pembantu Keselamatan Gred KP19
8. Pembantu Operasi Gred N11
9. Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian/Operasi) Gred N19
10. Pengawal Keselamatan Gred KP11
11. Penolong Jurutera Gred JA29
12. Penolong Pegawai Tadbir Gred N29
13. Penolong Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat Gred FA2
Tarikh Tutup Permohonan : 19 Julai 2019 (Jumaat)
*Sila baca syarat kelayakan dan maklumat lain sebelum memohon melalui link di bawah

*Sila baca syarat kelayakan dan maklumat lain sebelum memohon melalui link di bawah

Corporate Information
UPM is recognised by the independent government assessments as one of Malaysia's leading research Universities. Founded in 1931 as the School of Agriculture, the University today combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research with its proud heritage of quality services and achievements.
As a premier institution of learning, widely recognized for leadership in research and innovation, UPM continues to strive for excellence. In order to motivate the entire university community towards achieving excellence, it ensures that all the members, both students and members of staff, share the responsibility of strictly adhering to the demands of the University’s vision, mission and goals
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